The Art of Judith Manning
Exodus is a mural painting, a triptych, an oil on canvas, measuring 6' x 11'. The image is based on chapter 15, verse 2: "The Lord is my strength and my song and He has become my salvation." This painting was an inspiration from joining the Jewish people in traditional praise dance to Yahweh by the sea of Galilee during a six week solo pilgrimage through Israel and Egypt.
Exodus Triptych detail
Exodus Triptych detail
Exodus Triptych detail
Exodus Triptych detail
The artist, Judith Manning, is pictured in the lower left, painting the images of Our Lady of Fátima appearing to three children, Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto in Fátima, Portugal in 1917. In this painting, Mary, who called herself The Lady of the Rosary, is holding the rosary in her hand just below the the Immaculate Heart; the crucifix is adjacent to the head of to the lamb carried on Francisco's shoulders.
Detail of the Madonna from the Lady of Fatima mural.
Detail, from Our Lady of Fatima mural, of Francisco holding the lamb, gazing at the rosary and the Crucifix adjacent to the head of the lamb (of Christ). The rosary Crucifix is included, according to the artist, " to emphasize the importance of (picking up our cross) and walking the Holy Way, of remembering not only to say these beautiful prayers, but to always remember the price paid for our salvation".
The Pieta is a 4'x6'10" oil on canvas. It is on permanent exhibit at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California. The painting was inspired by the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe outside Mexico City.
This is a detail of Our Lady of Guadalupe from the large painting "The Pieta", a 4'x6'10" oil on canvas. It is on permanent exhibit at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California. The painting was inspired by the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe outside Mexico City.
St. Theresa of Avila is 5'x8' oil on canvas to be on permanent exhibit at the new University of the Mystics in Avila, Spain.
Angel With Bread is a 6'X8' oil on canvas which is on permanent exhibit in St. Augustine Catholic Church, Lincoln City, Oregon.
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© 2016 Sanctuary for Sacred Arts